
Opening Sequence

From the research that I’ve done, watching different opening sequences from movies such as Deadpool (2016) and Baby Driver (2017), I can see from several scenes that the conventions that exist all vary from movie to movie. However, that is exactly what makes the conventions of an opening sequence, they are all unique and they all show the viewers a glimpse into the scene or the feel of said movie. This can then hint on the genre or even foreshadow on what will happen in the film. Take Deadpool’s opening sequence for example.

We can see directly from the opening that the genre will be action and will contain some sort of mature content. Viewers can also expect that this fight would appear or will be related to the character progression in the movie. Usually, they accompany these slow pace scenes with a soundtrack, either with that and no other sound or short conversations by which we get to hear the character for the first time. Another aspect that allows us to identify whether or not scenes are an opening sequence is by the big fading in and out font that shows viewers names of people who have worked on the movie. This gives viewers an introduction of not only the film but also the people behind it.

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