
Costume Fitting

After researching on the reference pictures for each character, today would be when we get to choose the options available from the actor/actress’ own clothing, as mentioned before it would save quite a bit of our budget. Surprisingly, throughout this process, I find it quite difficult to choose between the clothing options as some appear quite similar but with the help of making a list of all the advantageous and disadvantageous features of each outfit.

The following are the clothing options for each character (based on actor/actress’ available clothing):

Mom (Side Character) – Yuliani Agustine

However, in the end, we decided to choose the dress on the third slide as it looks ragged and old enough to fit into the set whilst not being as plain as the purple one in the first slide. The picture on the left is our actress Yuliani wearing said dress.

Dad (Side Character) – Yuwono Halim .S

In this case, the first clothes that our actor, Yuwono, has given us already suited our image of the Dad character perfectly, so there was no need for him to take pictures of his other clothing options.

May (Main Character) – Madeleine Tanoyo

In May’s case, since she will need 2 sets of clothes to wear (pajamas and normal clothes), there would be much more options to look through hence I had to ask her to take pictures of clothing that matched the description of the Costume Design post.

For May’s normal clothes, I decided on the sweatpants in the last slide as well as the wide cut shirt on the 5th slide. For May’s pajamas, I decided to go with the 1st and 2nd slide as it fits the more casual clothing style I had written about in the Costume Design post while the other options seemed to be a bit too childish. The pictures on the left are our actress Madeleine wearing the 2 sets of clothing.

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