Post Production

Choosing Best Takes

On the 23rd of December, I had been informed by Tiffany that she had uploaded the videos taken on her phone of our film opening into the google drive that we had shared with each other. The google drive that was carefully split into 3 different folders with other sub-folders inside each. These 3 folders include: Pre-production, Production, and Post-production. It will be in the “Post Production” folder that we will create a google document to note…

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Scenes to Reshoot & Reshoot Dates

Unfortunately, while Celline had been compiling the takes we had chosen in the previous post, she had said that on the 2nd of January she would realize that some scenes did not flow and transition into each other well. She would then quickly notify Tiffany, the Director, before notifying me after discussing amongst themselves which particular scenes should be reshoot 2 days after she had found out, so around the 4th of January I would have been notified. Once I…

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Preparation Before the Reshoot

Since it has been a few days after the last shooting, me and my teammates decided that it would be best to revise over the things that we need to bring again as there might be a possibility that we have forgotten. So, ahead of time, we would brief over this preparation in Zoom, more specifically, on the 7th of January or the day before the actually reshoot. It would be in this Zoom meeting…

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Reshoot Day

As per schedule, on the 8th of January, me and my teammates met up in Tiffany’s apartment at 8:00 a.m exactly. We did not waste any more time in the lobby as we immediately went up to Tiffany’s room to unpack our stuff and brief over the newly created storyboard that Celline had edited. Afterwards, we would go and set up the props for May’s room, using the videos shot in the production…

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Choosing Reshoot Clips

After the reshoot day, we scheduled a Zoom meeting on the 10th of January to choose the best clips of the Reshoot for Celline to use and edit. While in the Zoom, we take out time to re-watch the clips and review which options might be the best, by observing factors like Madeleine’s facial expression all the way to camera movement speed and camera angles. While…

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Recording Voice Overs & Sound Effects

After Celline informed us that she was done with all the editing, we decided that we could start working on our voice overs and sound effects and splitting up the work. In order to do that however, we needed to list all the sound effects and voice overs necessary in a google document titled “List Of Sound Effects” where we could effectively see how much we needed to record and then consequently split up the job among…

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