
#1 Shooting Location

On December 18th 2021, we met at Tiffany’s apartment as instructed in the timeline written in Meeting Casts & Setting Dates. Once we had arrived, as we met 30 minutes before our actress, Madeleine, came. I took this time to set up the set design in May’s supposed room using the many props that we all brought including dolls, candy wrappers, instant noodle cups, childishly printed blanket, etc. I also helped out my team in setting up…

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#2, 3, 4 Shooting Location

After our lunch in Galaxy Mall, it would be around 2:30 when we headed back to Tiffany’s apartment to go to the next location to film the outdoor scenes. For the following second location, it would be nearby as we would film in the neighborhood right across Tiffany’s apartment. So the drive there did not take too…

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