
Scenes to Reshoot & Reshoot Dates

Unfortunately, while Celline had been compiling the takes we had chosen in the previous post, she had said that on the 2nd of January she would realize that some scenes did not flow and transition into each other well. She would then quickly notify Tiffany, the Director, before notifying me after discussing amongst themselves which particular scenes should be reshoot 2 days after she had found out, so around the 4th of January I would have been notified.

Once I was notified through our group chat, they would immediately explain what the problem was and the specific scenes that were made to be reshot. Although I am only in charge of the creative aspects of the film opening, such as set design and costume design, I wished that I could have been able to help identify as well to contribute further into the project. Despite my feeling of incompetence, I trudged on and saw the positive side: I could help set up the set design again as well as assist them in the shooting process as I did previously.

So, with that in mind, me and my teammates would quickly set a schedule for the following week, on the 8th January to be more precise. We chose this specific date as it was 2 days before our school holidays end and school official starting again, a perfect time to do it as most people would already be home from any holiday trips that they have been on as they need to prepare for school whilst also not clashing with any of the school activities if we had set the reshoot date a few dates later. From what I had been informed, most the scenes that needed to be reshoot were the ones in the bedroom, where the only actress needed was May’s (Madeleine). With this new plan ahead, Tiffany would quickly ask in the group chat with the actress whether she could agree on the date and luckily she agreed. We also reminded her to bring and wear the clothes that I had chosen for in the previous shoot to keep the continuity of the film opening.

Screenshot of conversation